NYSE: ODV   $1.37
TSX-V: ODV   $1.97
Gold Price: $2,911.72
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FR  |  EN
NYSE    ODV  $1.37
TSX-V   ODV  $1.97
GOLD    $2,911.72

Tintic Project

Utah, USA
Mine Type
Land Package
18,783 acres of patented mining claims; 1,807 acres unpatented
Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead, Zinc
Project Status
Porphyry Exploration Drilling (underway); Trixie MRE (Q1 24)


The Tintic Project is an exploration and development stage precious and base metal property, located in western Utah County, ~95 south of Salt Lake City. The historical Tintic District is the second largest metal producing district in Utah, following Bingham, historically producing 2.8 Moz of gold, 285 Moz of silver, 128 kT of copper, 1.2 MT of lead and 259 kT of zinc, of which the Main and East Tintic sub-districts were the main producing regions.

The Tintic Project encompasses most of the East Tintic District with 23 past-producing mines and includes the Trixie gold deposit, one of several gold and base metal targets, including porphyry, epithermal and carbonate targets within the project boundaries.

Mineral Reserves & Resources

Trixie Mineral Resources Estimate (March 14, 2024)

Scientific and technical information relating to the Tintic Project and the mineral resource estimate for the Trixie deposit (the "2024 Trixie MRE") and the assumptions, qualifications and limitations thereof, is supported by the technical report titled "NI 43-101 Technical Report, Mineral Resource Estimate for the Trixie Deposit, Tintic Project, Utah, United States of America" and dated April 25, 2024 (with an effective date of March 14, 2024), prepared for the Company by independent representatives of Micon International Limited (the "Tintic Technical Report"). Reference should be made to the full text of the Tintic Technical Report, which was prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (“NI 43-101”).

The 2024 Trixie MRE comprises six mineralized zones within the greater Trixie deposit, including T2, T3, T4, Wild Cat, 40 Fault and 75-85 over a strike length of 530 m, a maximum width of 105 m and to a maximum depth of 195 m for the deposit and is 350 m from surface. These dimensions are for the overall size of the mineralized zone structures, with the 2024 Trixie MRE blocks contained within a smaller 440 m strike length, 60 m total width and 195 m depth footprint.

Domain Category Tonnes Grade
(Au g/t)
Gold (oz)
(Ag g/t)
Silver (oz)
T2 Measured 22,678 106.27 77,484 115.99 84,572
Indicated 11,939 23.19 8,902 51.07 19,602
M+I 34,617 77.62 86,387 93.60 104,173
Inferred 1,996 9.82 630 61.38 3,938
T3 Measured 2,385 9.46 725 75.34 5,776
Indicated 970 5.47 171 57.32 1,787
M+I 3,355 8.30 896 70.13 7,564
Inferred 139 6.27 28 63.14 282
T4 + Wild Cat + 40 FLT Measured 94,784 8.93 27,227 48.41 147,520
Indicated 51,827 6.48 10,795 37.59 62,637
M+I 146,611 8.07 38,023 44.58 210,156
Inferred 104,676 6.57 22,127 38.57 129,792
75-85 Measured -   -   -
Indicated 60,008 12.93 24,943 80.95 156,185
M+I 60,008 12.93 24,943 80.95 156,185
Inferred 94,793 9.12 27,784 59.28 180,666
Total Measured 119,847 27.36 105,437 61.73 237,868
Indicated 124,743 11.17 44,811 59.89 240,211
M+I 244,590 19.11 150,248 60.80 478,078
Inferred 201,603 7.80 50,569 48.55 314,678
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