NYSE: ODV   $1.37
TSX-V: ODV   $1.97
Gold Price: $2,909.94
FR  |  EN
FR  |  EN
NYSE    ODV  $1.37
TSX-V   ODV  $1.97
GOLD    $2,909.94

Cariboo Gold Project

British Columbia, Canada
Mine Type
Land Package
~192,000 hectares
Gold, Silver
Project Status
Shovel ready (permits granted Q4 24)


The Cariboo Gold Project is a fully permitted feasibility level gold project located in central British Columbia in the historical Wells-Barkerville mining camp. The total land package covers an area of 192,000 hectares and includes approximately 80 kilometers strike of mineral targets providing prospective opportunities for future discoveries.

A Feasibility Study on the Cariboo Gold Project, released in early 2023, envisions a robust and scalable underground operation expected to produce approximately 1.87 million ounces of gold over a 12-year mine life, with an after-tax NPV5% of C$502 million and 20.7% IRR at a US$1,700/oz gold price. The Project received an Environmental Assessment Certificate on October 10, 2023, in accordance with the BC Environmental Assessment Act (2018). Receipt of the EA Certificate successfully concludes the EA process for the Project, which was launched in October 2019. The Company was granted the BC Mines Act permits and Environmental Management Act permits in Q4 2024.

VRIFY Virtual Site Visit

Feasibility Study

January 2023

Information relating to Cariboo and the Cariboo Feasibility Study is supported by the technical report titled “Feasibility Study for the Cariboo Gold Project, District of Well, British Columbia, Canada“, dated January 10, 2023 (amended January 12, 2023) with an effective date of December 30, 2022) prepared for the Company by independent representatives BBA Engineering Ltd. and supported by independent consulting firms, including InnovExplo Inc., SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc., Golder Associates Ltd. (amalgamated with WSP Canada Inc. on January 1, 2023, to form WSP Canada Inc.), WSP USA Inc., Falkirk Environmental Consultants Ltd., Klohn Crippen Berger Ltd., KCC Geoconsulting Inc., and JDS Energy & Mining Inc.

Table 1: Cariboo Feasibility Study Highlights

Base Case Assumptions
Gold Price US$/oz 1,700
Exchange Rate CAD:USD 0.77
Discount Rate % 5.0%
Mine Life years 3 9 12
Total Ore Mined tonnes 1,542,471 15,160,983 16,703,454
Average Throughput tpd 1,500 4,900 4,056
Average Gold Head Grade, diluted g/t Au 4.43 3.72 3.78
Total Contained Gold oz 219,488 1,811,665 2,031,152
Average Gold Recovery Rate % 93.6% 91.8% 92.0%
Total Recovered Gold, payable oz 205,419 1,663,436 1,868,856
Average Annual Gold Production oz/year 72,501 193,798 163,695
Unit Operating Costs
Underground Mining $/t mined 77.6 51.1 53.6
Processing $/t mined 37.1 25.3 26.4
Concentrate Transport $/t mined 17.3 3.5 4.8
Water and Waste Management $/t mined 18.4 6.1 7.2
General and Administrative $/t mined 19.4 9.8 10.7
Total Unit Operating Costs $/t mined 169.8 95.8 102.6
Operating Costs
Total Cash Costs2 US$/oz 1,149 748 792
AISC2 US$/oz 1,634 886 968
Capital Expenditures3
Initial Capital $M 137.3 137.3
Expansion Capital $M 451.1 451.1
Sustaining Capital $M 134.2 332.4 466.6
Total $M 271.5 783.5 1,055.0
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Table 2: Economic Sensitivities to Gold Price (base case in bold)

    Gold Price Assumption (US$/oz)
LOM METRIC UNIT 1,300 1,400 1,500 1,600 1,700 1,800 1,900 2,000
NPV5%, pre-tax $M 38.3 201.4 364.5 527.6 690.6 853.7 1,016.8 1,179.8
NPV5%, after-tax $M -2.9 157.5 284.9 394.5 502.4 609.3 715.1 820.7
IRR, pre-tax % 6.2% 11.0% 15.6% 20.1% 24.4% 28.7% 33.0% 37.3%
IRR, after-tax % 4.9% 9.8% 13.6% 17.2% 20.7% 24.3% 27.8% 31.4%
Payback, pre-tax years 9.0 7.7 6.8 6.2 5.8 5.4 5.1 4.8
Payback, after-tax years 9.5 8.0 7.0 6.3 5.9 5.5 5.2 4.9

Mineral Reserves & Resources

Mineral Resources Estimate (November 11, 2022) – Exclusive of Mineral Reserves

The 2022 Feasibility Study (“FS”) mineral resource estimate (“MRE”) covers all the deposits in the Cow-Island-Barkerville Mountain Corridor. The resource area for the Cow Mountain/Island Mountain segment covers a strike length of 3.7 km and a width of approximately 700 metres (“m”), down to a vertical depth of 600 m below surface. The estimate for the Barkerville Mountain segment covers a strike length of 3 km and a width of approximately 700 m, down to a vertical depth of 500 m below surface.

The QPs have classified the 2022 Feasibility Study MRE as Measured, Indicated, and Inferred Mineral Resources based on data density, search ellipse criteria, drill hole density, and interpolation parameters. The 2022 Feasibility Study MRE is considered to be reliable and established on quality data and geological knowledge. The 2022 Feasibility Study MRE follows the 2014 CIM Definition Standards on Mineral Resources and Reserves.

Mineral Resources Measured Indicated Measured & Indicated Inferred
Deposit Tonnes
Bonanza Ledge 47 5.06 8 32 4.02 4 79 4.64 12
BC Vein 1,030 3.12 103 1,030 3.12 103 461 3.55 53
KL 386 3.18 39 386 3.18 39 1,918 2.75 169
Lowhee 1,368 3.18 140 1,368 3.18 140 445 3.34 48
Mosquito 1,288 3.68 152 1,288 3.68 152 1,290 3.55 147
Shaft 4,781 3.39 523 4,781 3.39 523 6,468 3.84 800
Valley 2,104 3.14 213 2,104 3.14 213 2,119 3.30 225
Cow 3,644 3.31 388 3,644 3.31 388 2,769 3.03 270
TOTAL RESOURCES 47 5.06 8 14,635 3.32 1,564 14,682 3.33 1,571 15,470 3.44 1,712
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Mineral Reserves Estimate (December 6, 2022)

Mineral Reserves were classified in compliance with the CIM Definition Standards for Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves. As such, the Mineral Reserves are based on Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources and do not include any Inferred Mineral Resources. Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources are exclusive of proven and probable reserves. Mineral Reserves are the estimated tonnage and grade of ore that is considered economically viable for extraction.

Mineral Reserves for the Project deposit incorporate dilution and mining recovery factors based on the selected mining method and design. In addition, economic analyses were completed to validate the profitability of particular areas of the reserves.

Deposit Tonnes
Cow 4,127 3.41 453
Valley 3,445 3.70 410
Shaft 7,962 3.87 990
Mosquito 603 4.93 95
Lowhee 567 4.56 83
TOTAL RESERVES 16,703 3.78 2,031
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